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Amazon Prime Video to Serve Ads in 2024 (Unless You Pay Extra) – Yeah IPTV

Amazon announced that starting January 29, 2024, its Prime Video streaming service will incorporate ads into its programming.

This update marks a departure from the current ad-free experience offered to Prime members. To maintain an ad-free viewing, Amazon will introduce an additional subscription option.

Prime Video is one of the most popular Firestick apps used by millions of cord-cutters.

I am a member of Amazon Prime and this morning I receive the following email:

Amazon Prime Video Email

The Transition to Ad-Supported Content

The introduction of ads into Prime Video represents a strategic move by Amazon to increase its investment in content while maintaining the value of its Prime membership.

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The company plans to include “limited advertisements,” aiming to feature fewer ads than traditional linear TV and other streaming services.

This approach is designed to strike a balance between content investment and user experience.

In the official press release from Amazon, they stated the following:

“To continue investing in compelling content and keep increasing that investment over a long period of time, starting in early 2024, Prime Video shows and movies will include limited advertisements. We aim to have meaningfully fewer ads than linear TV and other streaming TV providers. Ads in Prime Video content will be introduced in the U.S., U.K., Germany, and Canada in early 2024, followed by France, Italy, Spain, Mexico, and Australia later in the year. No action is required for Prime members. We’re not making changes in 2024 to the current price of Prime membership. We will also offer a new ad-free option for an additional $2.99 per month* for U.S. Prime members and will share pricing for other countries at a later date. We will email Prime members several weeks before ads are introduced into Prime Video with information on how to sign up for the ad-free option if they would like.”

New Partnership with IPG Mediabrands

To facilitate this transition, Amazon has partnered with IPG Mediabrands, granting them the ability to sell ad space on Prime Video.

This collaboration underscores Amazon’s commitment to becoming a significant player in the premium ad-supported streaming market.

Alan Moss, Vice President of Global Sales for Amazon Ads, emphasized the potential for brands to engage with a diverse audience across multiple countries.

Key Details of Amazon’s Prime Video Ads

Implementation Timeline and Locations

Amazon’s ad-supported content will initially roll out in the U.S., U.K., Germany, and Canada in early 2024, with plans to extend to France, Italy, Spain, Mexico, and Australia later in the year.

The company assures that the number of ads will be considerably less than what viewers typically encounter on cable TV.

Options for an Ad-Free Experience

For those preferring to retain the current commercial-free viewing, Amazon offers a new subscription tier.

This ad-free option will cost an additional $2.99 per month, with details on how to subscribe communicated to Prime members via email ahead of the rollout.

Amazon’s Rationale Behind the Change

Amazon’s decision to introduce ads is driven by the desire to continue investing in high-quality content over an extended period.

By integrating ads, Amazon aims to create a sustainable model that supports content development without altering the current Prime membership fee.

Communication and Transition for Prime Members

Prime members will not need to take any immediate action. Amazon plans to keep its members informed about the upcoming changes and will provide clear instructions on how to opt for the ad-free version.

The company’s commitment to transparency and customer choice remains central to this transition.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

As Amazon Prime Video evolves, these changes reflect a broader trend in the streaming industry, where services are exploring new revenue models to balance content investment and user experience.

In the coming months, as Amazon finalizes its plans and announces specific details, the impact of these changes on the streaming landscape will become clearer.

For more information on this story, refer to the official press release from Amazon.

The post Amazon Prime Video to Serve Ads in 2024 (Unless You Pay Extra) appeared first on Yeah IPTV.

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